The Miniscule Sushi of Hironori Ikeno

Sushi is generally a fairly small dish. Take a look at our Bothell Japanese restaurant’s avocado or cucumber rolls, and you’ll see just how tiny a typical sushi roll gets. But just how small can sushi get? Hironori Ikeno, a chef from Tokyo, took it upon himself to push the envelope and give the world […]

The Making of Sake

Have you ever wondered how sake gets from the rice to the bottles at our Bothell Japanese restaurant? The creation of Japan’s favorite beverage is a long and complex process, which generally involves the following steps: First, the rice needs to be milled and cleaned thoroughly to remove any particulate matter that may be attached […]

What Does it Take to be a Sushi Chef?

Creating sushi is not for everyone. It is an art and a science, requiring a hand and a mind that can put forward something delicious, safe, and aesthetically attractive. So what does it take to become a sushi chef? Here’s what you can expect from the people preparing the food at our Bothell Japanese restaurant. […]

Sushi Plates

When you come to our Bothell Japanese restaurant, you’ll find your sushi served up on color-coded dishes. In a conveyer belt restaurant like this, these plates serve to indicate the price of your food. However, even in sushi restaurants where sushi is ordered up from the kitchen, you may find that the sushi plates are […]