Category: Did You Know?

Dining Conveyor Belt Sushi at Bothell Sushi Restaurant

Food-on-the-Move: then and now The conveyor belt sushi was invented around late 1950’s when a Japanese restaurant owner was having problems with staffing and seemed not to be able to get customers’ orders quick enough to their tables. After seeing an Ashai brewery move their beer bottles via conveyor belts around their factory, he got […]

Little Known Facts about Sushi

Know the Truth about Your Sushi There was a time when sushi wasn’t the fine and ultra chic dining experience enjoyed now in restaurants. It used to be a quick, cheap snack, eaten with the hands, along the sidewalks in post wartime Japan. No one though it could be eaten indoors in style. It has […]

Algae in My Sushi: at Bothell Japanese Restaurant

Japan’s Best Known Seaweeds Let’s look at some popular seaweeds that you can find in your Japanese dish. Do you know Kelp? This is a very broad genus of sea plant comprising about 300 species. They are the brown marine algae that grow wild in shallow coasts in many parts of the world. The Japanese […]

White Rice vs. Brown Rice

Rice! There’s no avoiding it. It comes in nearly 25,000 varieties, a staple of over half of the Earth’s population, and a huge part of the experience at our Bothell sushi restaurant. But why is rice so important? What is it that makes this tiny grain such an enormous part of Japan’s culinary tradition? The […]

A Brief History of Soy Sauce

Where would our Bothell Japanese restaurant be without soy sauce? It’s a huge part of the Japanese culinary tradition, valuable not only as a condiment for many of our rice and sushi-based dishes, but also as an ingredient in teriyaki sauce and many other classics. But where did soy sauce come from, and how did […]