Living Planet Report has Bad News

As the world’s human population has increased, many animal populations have suffered. Many fish populations have taken it worse than others, which has dire implications for sushi lovers throughout the world.

Every two years, the World Wild Fund for Nature publishes their Living Planet Report to track the health of our animal populations. Last year, they released a special edition to further explore the implications of the 2014 report. This report lists fully seventeen species of mackerel and tuna that have dropped by 74% since 1970. Though mackerel generally gets less attention than tuna in the sushi world, this fish represents an important food source to the apex predator. The more the mackerel population diminishes, the more the struggling tuna populations will have to fight for survival.

If future generations are going to be able to enjoy quality sushi like the type you find at our Bothell Japanese restaurant, we are going to have to be responsible with our seafood. Consider seeking out sustainable seafood during your sushi outings.