The Japanese Way to Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is approaching, which means people throughout the country are looking forward to gathering around a table and giving thanks with family and friends. Some of us say grace or offer up a similar form of prayer, while others will go around the table and describe what they most feel grateful for. If you’re following Japanese tradition, you might simply declare “itadakimasu!”

Roughly translated, “itadakimasu” means “I humbly receive this food with appreciation”. People in Japan will recite this together before commencing with a meal. It is a tradition that can be based back to Buddhist teachings, which dictate that followers should show respect for all living things. When they give thanks in this manner, they are expressing their appreciation for the chef who prepared the meal, the host or individual who paid for the meal, the farmer who produced the food, and even the plants and animals that gave their lives.

After you’re done with all of your turkey and stuffing this year, consider a change of pace with a light sushi meal at Sushi Hana. Our Bothell Japanese restaurant will give you an experience you can feel thankful for!