Is Sake a Wine or a Beer?

Have you ever considered the nature of sake? Though rice-based liquors like this Japanese favorite are frequently identified as “rice wine”, there is a bit of ambiguity as to what category sake actually falls under. On one hand, sake is very much like a beer in that it is made out of fermented grains. It […]

The Benefits of Soy Sauce

Just like any proper Japanese restaurant, Sushi Hana in Bothell provides soy sauce to help spice up your meal. Sushi diners have for a long time enjoyed mixing this classic condiment with wasabi to dip their sushi into. And, not only is it a great taste, it’s also got some surprising health benefits. Some people […]

The Number Five and Japanese Culture

The number five is a big part of Japanese tradition, and it comes through in a big way in the food. A traditional Japanese meal should evoke the number five in five different ways. With this in mind, consider the following on your next visit to our Bothell sushi restaurant and how they might apply […]

A Rolling Sushi Gathers Soy Sauce

Sushi rolls represent the favorite variety of sushi, not only within our Bothell Japanese restaurant but for America as a whole. For many, the classic roll shape is the most iconic image associated with Japanese food. It’s no mistake that most fusion or “American-style” sushi is done in roll form: the Seattle roll, the Philadelphia […]